Thursday, March 2, 2017

Barely Home

This morning we walked to school and then went to Camp Gladiator.

From there I tutored.

I came home for just a few minutes after tutoring to quickly shower and change, and then went to a brunch at a friend's house.

I got home a little before it was time to pick up the kids from school.

Morry had a phone meeting, so I walked alone to pick up the boys.

Shortly after we got home I took Evan to his baseball lesson.

I dropped him off and went to the library to tutor a student.

Morry pickup up Evan from his lesson.

When I got home, we got in the car and went to school.  Evan had a 5th grade performance.

Grandma met us there.

It was a cute superhero show.  The kids did a good job.

We gave Grandma a ride home.

When we got home, Morry left to go to a Trivia Night contest.

I fed the boys dinner.

Now they are in bed and Morry is on his way home.

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