Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Thanksgiving in January

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

After taking the boys to school, we went to Camp Gladiator.  I had to leave early to get home for a HomeAway call so we drove separately.

Later in the morning, someone came by the house to buy some of the boys' old clothes.  Then Rachel left to go to Pilates and I drove to HomeAway for more meetings.

Rachel picked the boys up from school.  I got home shortly after they got home.

Rachel was supposed to tutor but it got cancelled.  Noah was scheduled to go over to Grandma's since I was going to be with Evan at baseball and Rachel was tutoring.  He still went over there and had dinner.

He had asked Grandma for Thanksgiving type stuff for dinner.  So Grandma made a turkey breast and had cranberry sauce.

Evan had baseball practice.  We drove Braeden up there.  The boys were silly in the car.  They had a scrimmage at practice with the 12U team.  Evan is on the 11U team.  They separated the teams so there would be an even number of each of the age groups on each team.  Amazingly the 11-year-olds were the kids getting the hits off of the 12-year-old pitchers.  Evan had a good solid hit.

We're home now and the boys are getting ready for bed.

Until next time...

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