Friday, September 9, 2016

Grand Opening

This morning we walked the kids to school.

I was invited to the grand opening of the Soft Surroundings store here in Austin.  I brought Salina with me.  When we arrived, at about the time the store was opening, the line was around the corner.  They were giving away a free swag bag to the first 100 people.  Since we were on the media list we didn't have to wait in the line and got our own swag bags that were reserved for us.  It was a nice store, but we were by far the youngest people there.  There were lots of gray haired women and many walkers and canes - I'm not exaggerating.  The store is sort of like a Chico's or Coldwater Creek.  There were a lot of casual, comfortable, flowy types of clothing and some home accessories and beauty products.  They had champaign and macarons too.  Salina and I had a nice time.  We got a tour and one of the makeup consultants put some mascara and lip gloss on us.

On my way home I picked up the race packets for the Brain Power 5k on Sunday.

Morry got bagels for us while I was gone and we both got home around the same time.

We walked to get the kids and then Evan went to Wade's.  They later went to an indoor trampoline place.

For dinner, we ate at home and then went to the Food Trailer Night.  The only dessert they had was ice cream truck type popsicles, so we decided to go somewhere else for dessert.

We walked back home.  On the way home we chatted with some neighbors who were outside.

We ended up going to Cow Tipping Creamery for dessert. It was good, but Noah didn't eat much of his.

The boys are getting ready for bed now.

Here are some pictures from today.

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