Sunday, May 1, 2016

Ice Cream Social

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Everyone slept in this morning which was nice.  We took it easy in the morning and then had lunch at home.

After lunch, we went to Wonders & Worries where they were having an Ice Cream Social.  They had a table where they'd scoop some ice cream and let you put on your own toppings.  They also had other things like a place to paint a rock, some games to win prizes, a way to make a small boat out of wine corks, a place to pet ponies and a bounce house.  The boys seemed to enjoy it. They were in the bounce house a while because there was a basketball hoop in there.

Afterward, we came home and the boys cleaned up.  When they were done, they went outside and practiced pitching.

We grilled hamburgers and corn and then ate outside.  It was our second time this year which was nice.

The boys are getting ready for bed.

Until next time...

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