Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Sick Noah

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning it started to rain just as we were about to leave.  We heard thunder so we decided to drive.  I called the boys down and Noah said that he couldn't come downstairs.  He couldn't walk.  When Noah doesn't want to do something, this is the excuse he often gives.  He said he was dizzy.  I didn't want to hear it and I yelled at him and made him come downstairs and get in the car.  Then we ran from the car down the trail into the school.

At 8:30, the phone rang and I saw on the caller ID it was someone from school.  I had a bad feeling.  The nurse was on the phone and she told me that Noah vomited.  I went and picked him up.  This was literally the first time in his life he had ever vomited.  He's had a stomach of steel up until now.  Unfortunately, there is a bug going around school.  Both of Noah's buddies were home today with a stomach bug.  Once Noah left, 7 of the 20 kids were home with a stomach bug.  Evan is not allowed anywhere near Noah.

I stayed home all day.  Rachel stayed home as well.

I walked and picked Evan up while Rachel stayed with Noah.

With all the rain, we weren't able to practice at our normal field.  So we practiced at the elementary school.  We didn't truly have a field so it was mostly throwing, pitching and conditioning.  The boys loved it.

For dinner, we had flank steak and corn on the cob.

The boys are getting ready for bed now.  We'll see if Noah can go to school.  He hasn't eaten anything but he's had a bunch of Gatorade.  He says his stomach is not bothering him and he's not dizzy.

Until next time...

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