Saturday, March 19, 2016

Night Out and Saturday

Yesterday, we went to Wholy Bagel with the kids for lunch.

Later in the afternoon we dropped off the boys at Grandma and Papa's house.

I had some South by Southwest tickets for a concert and then Morry and I had plans to see a movie.

After dropping the boys off, Morry and I went to the concert party thing.  We stayed for about and hour.  Then, we got dinner at Gourdoughs.

From there, we stopped at Big Top Candy Shop and Crepe Crazy.

Last, we saw The Divergent Series: Allegiant - Part 1.

The boys spent the night over at Grandma and Papa's house.

Today, we went to Grandma and Papa's house around 10:30 to have brunch and a participatory Purim play.  The boys really had fun acting out the story of Purim.

We came home and then I left to tutor.  From there, I went to a casting call and then Costco.

For dinner we made burritos at home and watched the movie Speed.  The boys were very into it. They liked it.

Now, Evan and Noah are getting ready for bed.  Noah is very excited about his birthday tomorrow.

Here are some pictures from yesterday and today.

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