Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Math Pentathalon - Part Three

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Rachel and I left the house about the same time - not too long after coming back from dropping the kids off.  Rachel went to see the physical therapist following her appointment last week.  I went in to work on more Apple TV stuff.

At Rachel's appointment, it was decided that she was too advanced for the physical therapist she saw.  So Rachel needs to get the oncologist to come up with another referral.

In the afternoon, Rachel went to tutor and Evan went straight from school to Wade's.  I went to school and met Noah for Math Pentathalon.  Unfortunately, Noah was stuck with the same partner.  He dealt with it well and did great at the same dominoes game they worked on last week.

Noah played outside for a bit with the neighborhood kids until we needed to go get Evan from Wade's house.

For dinner, we had hamburgers cooked on the grill.

The boys are about to get ready for bed.

Until next time...

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