Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween and the Last Few Days

Thursday, we walked to school and brought Evan's marble machine project.  From there, I walked with Lorena and Morry and Lizzy walked home.

After walking I went to HEB.

We walked to get the boys at school and then went to the Book Fair.

My tutoring got canceled.

Evan and Morry went to baseball practice.

Noah and I walked to the neighborhood farmer's market.

Later, we went to get Zayde at the airport.

Morry and Evan picked up Pho Thai Son for all of us on their way home from practice.

Friday, it rained really hard for most of the day.  We drove the boys and our neighbors Brody and Drew to school.  The 2nd graders' classrooms are in portables and they were not allowed in their portables all day.  They even had a tornado drill. Noah's class got to spend the day in the computer lab.

For lunch, Morry, Jack, and I went to Wholy Bagel.  There was a lot of water on the roads and we had to take a detour at one point to avoid a huge flooded area in the road.

We drove to pick up the kids from school.

For dinner, we went out to dinner with Grandma and Papa and Zayde to Evangeline Cafe.

Today, we took it easy in the morning and made waffles and pancakes for breakfast.

Morry, the boys, and Zayde went to Barnes and Noble while I went for a run.

Later in the afternoon Aaron's family came over and we all went to the block party in our cul-de-sac.  Grandma and Papa, Jack and John, and Mandy's parents joined us as well.  Aaron went to pick up pizza from Via 313.

Morry and I took the kids trick-or-treating with John, Jack, and Audrey.

We got home around 8:30.  It was fun night.

The kids are in bed now.

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