Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Noah Rides A Horse

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning it was very cool out when we walked to school.  The weather app said it was 54 degrees.  I don't think it was quite that cold but it was cool.  Lizzy seemed to really enjoy it.  Evan rode his Razor Scooter.

We stayed home in the morning.

I had a dentist appointment at lunch.

It was only around 80 when we walked home from school.  Much nicer than those 95+ walks home.

Rachel tutored Audrey in the afternoon.

Noah and Evan had an early dinner and then Evan and I went to his football practice.  Rachel and Noah followed Nikki to the barn that is keeping her horses.

Noah got to ride on the horse and help take care of the horse.  He seemed to really have fun.

The boys are about to get ready for bed.

Until next time...

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