Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lizzy is 11

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Today is Lizzy's 11th birthday.  When you see her run around the backyard, it's hard to believe she's that old.  The white around her eyes is a give away though.

Evan got up first this morning and then Noah got up.

There was a Pink Ribbon Cowgirls lunch at Whole Foods so Rachel took the boys.  They picked out an apple to eat and then some things from the bulk section.  Evan got sunflower seeds.  It must be some baseball thing.  They ate at their own table/bar while the women sat at their table.

After Whole Foods, the boys went over to Calvin's vet to get his heart worm/flea medicine.

Later in the afternoon, Rachel took Lizzy to get her annual check up.  They checked all of the little lumps she's been developing on her body.  The vet calls them "old lady bumps".  They are all ok.  She has a little thing on her eye which isn't anything bad but if it grows too much where it impairs her vision, it will have to be removed.  She has some arthritis in her back so we'll start to give her medicine for that.  But otherwise, she's pretty healthy.

We had corned beef for dinner.

The boys are in their rooms now.

Until next time...

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