Sunday, February 23, 2014

Party, Party

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning Evan, Noah and I drove up and picked Zayde up for brunch.  Unfortunately, we couldn't spend as much time with him today as normal.  Evan had a birthday party to go to in the early afternoon. After that we had a party for Noah's baseball team.

We went to the Frisco for brunch.  It's an ok brunch place, but it was convenient from a timing perspective.  The boys did eat well there.  Noah ate all of his pancake and bacon.

We came home and I did a very little bit of work before having to leave to take Evan to the birthday party.  It was a laser tag party.  He and the birthday boy, Brayden, formed a team in the first time they played.  They came in second.  Then he and another boy he knows from baseball formed a team the second time.  He seemed to have a great time playing there.

We went straight from there to a party for Noah's baseball team.  One of the mom's offered to have a team kick-off party.  Noah and Rachel were there and Evan and I got there a bit late.  Evan and Noah were in the trampoline with a net on it.  A bunch of boys were in there wrestling and throwing a big blow up ball at each other.  I don't think Evan came out for close to two hours.  Noah came out one time.  It was a very nice party and the backyard of the hosts were really nice.  We have some good families on the team.

We came home and sat outside on our porch for a while while the boys played with flashlights in the dark.  Then we came in and got the kids ready for bed.

Until next time...

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