Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to School Night

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Well, the long weekend didn't make it harder to get the boys going in the morning.  It was very easy to get both boys up for school and, like the first week, Noah was in a very good mood and excited to go to school.

Rachel and I didn't have anything going on during the day.  However, Rachel discovered the source of the smell that we thought was from the sink.  Rachel and I had both smelled what we thought was rotten food in the disposal.  Well apparently, our sink has been leaking.  But, somewhat fortuitously, we actually had a big bin below the sink that we kept some things in.  It was catching all the water and the water was moldy which was the source of the smell.  I carried the entire bin outside and dumped it.  It was gross.  We have a plumber coming to replace the faucet on Thursday.  I'd like him to look at the disposal too and make sure it's not that.

Rachel and I walked to pick the boys up.  It was really really hot.  It was over 100 and very humid.

In the afternoon, Rachel helped the boys with their homework and reading.

Blanca came over a bit after five and Rachel and I walked to the school for Back to School Night.  We have two of these.  Kindergarten and second grade are on different days.  Today was Kindergarten.  It was nice but we didn't learn anything new since Noah has the same teacher that Evan had when he was in Kindergarten.

We came home and ate dinner while the boys played upstairs.  We had Blanca give them food.

Now the boys are in bed.

Until next time...

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