Sunday, August 11, 2013


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

The boys have been wanting to see the movie Turbo.  So I promised them I'd take them today.  Noah was up first and then Evan got up a bit after him.  They played Wii until it was time to go to the movies.

They were good at the movies.  They each had an Icee and a popcorn as I had a coupon for each boy.  They seemed to like the movie.  In my opinion it was kind of stupid but there were some funny lines.

When we got home, Rachel had made the boys lunch but I guess, because of the popcorn, they were not hungry.  They went upstairs and played in their rooms and the game room.

We took Noah outside and helped him ride his bike more.  I hadn't seen him ride the first time, but Rachel said he was getting much better.

We came home and later the boys started some game where they were throwing a ball from the upstairs into the foyer or something.  I don't know exactly what they were doing.

Later in the afternoon, I went outside and "pitched" to Evan while he was catching with his catcher's mitt.

We had left overs for dinner and Rachel made brownies.  The boys went outside to play baseball.  They are actually still out there. We'll be putting them to be shortly.

Until next time...

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