Saturday, June 15, 2013


Hello everyone, this is Morry.

This morning the boys were very good and let us sleep in, although at one point, I was dead asleep and I heard, in a whisper, "Daddy, Daddy".  I looked up and it was Noah.  He said "Who is the Pirates' DH?"  I said "I don't know" and went back to sleep.

We never went to Mother's Day brunch since Rachel went to San Antonio so we did a somewhat Mother's Day/Father's Day brunch this morning.  We went up to a place in North Austin called Cafe Java.  It was good and the boys were good as well.

From there we went to Dick's Sporting Goods.  I wanted to get the boys new bat bags that are backpacks so they could carry their own backpacks.  We spent quite a while in the store and got new shoes for the boys as well as some shirts for me and a jacket for Rachel.  Rachel had printed out a bunch of coupons and we were going through trying to figure out which we could use in conjunction with each other and what was the best deal.  The cashier asked the manager and they just ended up giving us 30% off the purchase.

When we got home, the boys and I played Wii for a bit and then we went out to play baseball in the front yard.  I can definitely notice a difference, particularly in Noah, after their week of baseball camp.   Rachel trimmed some of the plants in the front bed while we played.

We had leftovers for dinner.

Then we went to go to Sweet Caroline's for shaved ice for dessert but they had just closed.  We went to TCBY instead.

We gave the baths to the boys when we got home and they are now in bed.

Until next time...

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