Saturday, January 19, 2013

Noah the Great

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

I started writing this blog last night but got interrupted.

So in the morning, I took Evan to school.  As usual, he made me take his sweatshirt home with him because he wouldn't need it the rest of the day.  He wears it into school.  I also put a long-sleeved shirt underneath his t-shirt.  When he got home from school, he was very upset that he was hot all day and was mad I had put long-sleeved shirt on?

Noah had a good day at school.  He had a substitute because his teacher was running parent-teacher conferences all day.

Rachel went to a Pink Ribbon Cowgirls Lunch.

At 5pm, we had our parent-teacher conference with Noah's teacher.  It was the best conference we've had for either boy.  It was not possible for the teacher to gush more than she did about Noah.  She said he was one of the brightest kids she has ever met and how kind and caring he is.  She is worried that he's going to be bored in this last half year of pre-school and is prepared with things to challenge him.  But, she said, that he's very good at playing on his own and inventing play and imagination play so he hasn't been bored yet because he comes up with things on his own.  She says that he loves all the athletic play they do outside and that he loves playing with friends.  Noah also doesn't discriminate - he will play with girls or boys.  As long as they are doing something he wants to do, he will play with them.  She said he is not going to have any problems with Kindergarten and will shine in it.  She writes up a description of Noah which is turned over to the elementary school.  She wants to make sure that Noah gets a teacher who will enhance those gifts and challenge him (Mr. Valdes, anyone?).  She could not say enough good things about Noah and how much she loves him.  Yep, Noah worked his Noah charm.

After the conference, I took Evan to basketball practice.  As usual, he seemed to have fun.  One of the parents compared Evan to Pete Rose because he has one speed and never gives up on a play or a rolling ball.  If you ever see a kid on the ground, you can be guaranteed, it's Evan diving for the ball.

We had dinner when we got home and put the kids to bed.

Until next time...

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