Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Crazy Morning

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

Yesterday, Noah kept asking to come with me to take Evan to school.  He really wanted to ride bikes.  I told him if he went to sleep at a decent time I would wake him up.  He kept his end of the bargain so I kept mine.  I woke Noah up after getting Evan set up downstairs eating breakfast and watching the MLB channel.  When I was getting Evan's folder, lunch and backpack together I discovered that Evan didn't read his book last night.  So while he ate breakfast, I held the book and listened to him read.  It just happened to be a super long book this time so we were running late.  We finally got going and had sweatshirts and helmets on the boys.  As I was backing the bike out of the garage the chain popped off. We were already running late so I didn't have time to fix it.  So we ended up driving to school.

Noah played Star Wars Wii when we got home while I did work.

At 11am I had a normal cleaning at the dentist.  Rachel and Noah went to HEB to get food.  I got home shortly after Rachel and Noah because Rachel was still putting groceries away.

Rachel picked Evan up from school while Noah stayed here.

Rachel tutored and Blanca came over.  They played baseball and rode their bikes in the cul-de-sac.

For dinner, I picked up McDonald's for the kids and Popeye's for me.

Then we played some Wii and I put the kids to bed.

Until next time...

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