Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rachel's Birthday

Hello everyone, this is Morry.

It's Rachel's birthday today.  But first we had to go to a birthday party for a girl in Noah's class.  For those of you that remember, there was a girl that took to Evan when he was finishing up preschool, Victoria.  The birthday party was for her sister Caroline who is in Noah's class.

We stopped at Starbuck's on the way in as Rachel got a free birthday drink there.  When we pulled up to the inflatable place, called Hoppin' House, Victoria was holding the door open and yelled, "Hi, Evan!"  Evan was very shy and clung to me.  Eventually he said hi to her.  Noah's friend Cole was there.  Cole followed Evan around the entire time we were at the party.  I think Cole like being with an older kid.  I think Evan liked being a big kid.

From there we went to brunch for Rachel's birthday at a place called the Omelettry.  On the way, Noah had an awful coughing fit. He's had this cough since last Sunday when he had that mysterious fever.  On and off during the week he's had this low-grade fever.  So we made him an appointment at the after-hours clinic while we were waiting to be seated.

Brunch was ok, and we drove to the doctor's office.  The doctor suspected that Noah had pneumonia so she had him get a chest x-ray.  She was correct.  There was some fluid in Noah's lower left lung.  He's on antibiotics now.  She said that the pneumonia was not contagious.  He could give someone a cold, but his pneumonia was most likely caused by having a cold where fluid drained into his lungs.

We came home and the boys played Wii and Evan played baseball outside.  Then Noah and I went to HEB to get his medicine.

Grandma got here at about 4:45 as we were getting back.  She's in town for Aaron and Mandy's baby's bris tomorrow.

We went to dinner at the Melting Pot.  We weren't sure how the boys would do but Evan said it was the "best restaurant" he's "ever been to."  He loved it.  He got the "kid's meal" which was just shrimp he could cook.  They gave him about 12 shrimp.  He ate it all.  Noah did pretty well considering he's not feeling 100%.  Evan loved the chocolate for dessert too.  Noah just ate the strawberries.  Rachel seemed to have a good birthday.  They also brought us non-alcoholic champagne (sparkling cranberry juice) to celebrate.

The boys are in bed now.  I hope they go to sleep quickly.

Until next time...

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