Thursday, July 28, 2011

Last Day of School

Today was the last day of school. It was Evan's last day at that school - his last day of preschool.

Noah threw a major, one-hour fit this morning. That was not fun.

While the boys were at school I went for a run and got some things done around the house.

Evan's class had a field trip to the pool (right next to school). I came a little early and met them there. Evan was having a great time in the pool.

Noah's class rode bikes and made ice cream sundaes.

After school we came home and the boys were pretty good. Noah did not nap.

For dinner we had corn on the cob. I had fish and Morry had pork.

As I left to take Lizzy on a walk I notice a couple of puddles in our grass in the front yard. It turns out we have some kind of sprinkler leak. Even though the sprinklers weren't running, somehow 2 of them were dripping water. Morry turned off the water to the sprinklers, so we'll have to figure out how to get those fixed now.

The boys are in their rooms, but not asleep yet.

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