Friday, October 23, 2009

Lots of Stuff

This morning Gabby came over. At 11am Michael helped me put the kids in the car and I took Evan and Noah to playgroup. We were only there for a little bit since I needed to be home at 12.

We got home at 12. Blanca helped me get the boys out of the car and then I left to get my hair cut (just a bang trim).

After my hair cut I met Melissa for coffee at Barnes and Noble and then came home.

While I was at coffee I talked to Dr. Harker-Murray (the Dallas oncologist). I wanted to know why she thought the TC treatment she suggested was better than the ACT treatment Dr. Patt (the Austin oncologist) suggested. She said the TC has been proven better than just the AC, but the TC has not yet been compared to the ACandT. The AC treatment is more aggressive and comes with more possible serious side effects which include an increase in leukemia and heat toxicity. Dr. Harker-Murray and Eddie both think I do not need the ACT combination, especially since it has the added side effects. So, I’m going to talk to Dr. Patt again and see why she thinks the ACT is better and if she would consider doing the TC treatment with me.

When I got home from coffee I spent a lot of the afternoon on the phone again deal with medical issues and appointments.

For dinner, Evan said he wanted pizza so we went to California Pizza Kitchen. The food was good, but the service was slow. Evan ended up only eating 4 bites of pizza, one bite from each slice.

At home, we gave the boys baths. They are now playing in Noah’s room and not going to sleep.

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